Thursday, August 19, 2010

Statement of Faith

These are the foundations of my faith, what I believe. Period.

-  One God, Maker of all things, revealed to us in three persons: The Father; Jesus Christ, the Son of God; and the Holy Ghost.
- The Bible, in its entirety, to be the inspired Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and conduct.
- Jesus Christ, who is known as the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit, and then born of the Virgin Mary. He is true God and true man.
-  Personal salvation of the believer through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Salvation cannot be earned through an individual’s own  merits or works. This means to believe that Jesus, through the shedding of His blood resulting in death on the cross, is alone the price that gives forgiveness, frees us from sin, and provides right standing with God.
-  The baptism of the Holy Ghost accompanied by the physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance. This is distinct from the new birth. I also believe in the nine gifts of the Spirit, listed in First Corinthians, chapter 12. These endowments not only have not ceased, but are to be expected to empower the life of the believer and the church.
-  Divine healing for spirit, soul, and body, through faith in the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
-  The imminent return, or second coming, of the Lord Jesus Christ as Ruler and King of all creation both on earth and in the heavens.
-  The resurrection of the dead: the eternal happiness of the saved (those that have placed their trust in Jesus)...and the eternal punishment of the lost (those that have rejected Him as Lord and Savior).
-  Intensive world-evangelism and missionary work in accordance with the Great Commission.